History through Gardens

History through Gardens

APRIL 2019

When you travel, you find all these amazing places, and more importantly gardens from real people; our history.  On one occasion, my colleague's partner was in Florida with his brother when they came across an interesting piece of history.  It was a special, moonlight garden created by Mina Edison - Thomas Edison’s wife.  This unique garden was a source of great pride for the Edisons; a design featuring a rectangular reflecting pool, flanked by vines, shrubs and flowers of green, yellow, red, white and blue. The space was in constant change, as new and exotic flowers were brought in throughout the seasons. Particularly notable were the flowers which bloomed and produced a scent at night providing a wonderfully magical garden experience after the sun sets.  

When President-elect Herbert Hoover visited the Edison and Ford Winter Estates, part of a press conference was held in the garden. Edison and Mina lived side by side with Henry and Clara Ford and were good friends.

The history of famous people and their gardens makes me wonder what kind of gardens today's famous people will create and leave as part of their legacy. For example, Aga Khan's wonderful garden in Edmonton.  Perhaps Elon Musk create a garden on Mars, I would love to be part of that design team.